Make Your New Year’s Resolution Failproof – Solve Your Debt or Tax Problem.
Are you one of the millions of people who make New Year’s Resolutions? According to a survey conducted in October 2023, Forbes reported the number 2 top resolution was improved finances for 38% of the people surveyed. (Number 1 was improved fitness.)
Are you also one of the millions who wind up breaking those resolutions? If so, I’m not surprised. After all, most people who set New Year’s Resolutions never have a plan for how they will actually accomplish their goals.
I’ll talk about that more in a minute, but first, let’s talk about five resolutions that come up EVERY single year:
-Pay off debt and save money
-Get fit and take better care of my physical appearance
-Do better at my job (or find a new one)
-Get organized
-Work less and spend more time with family.
Do any of those sound familiar to you? How many of them are on your list this year?
How would you like to keep at least one of those resolutions this year – finances – by fixing your debt or tax problem? Right now, getting started toward success is as easy as a phone, call right away (317-635-4010). With one simple phone call, you could be experiencing starting toward your New Year’s Resolution success and celebrating your way to next year!
Because we understand how difficult keeping a resolution can be, we’re going to get you started with the right tools for success! A Real Plan. It’s not a walk in the park like some people try to sell you on. Most debt or tax problems involve running a marathon, not a 50-yard dash. If you don’t have a real plan and accountability, you are not planning on succeeding,
The Forbes Health/One Poll survey found that the average resolution lasts just 3.74 months.
Don’t let this year’s resolutions go untouched (like last year’s and the year before that, and the year before that). Take a few short moments to give us a call and schedule an appointment. Start solving your debt or tax problem by not only making a resolution, but also by MAKING A REAL PLAN AND TAKING ACTION TO SOLVE IT.
I will be rooting for my favorite football team tomorrow. They didn’t get into a New Year’s Day bowl game without a plan, without coaches to guide them, and consistently showing up to execute the plan. The types of goals you set matters when it comes to success. Research in PLoS One suggests action-oriented goals are more likely to result in success after a year than avoidance-oriented goals (58.9% versus 47.1% in this specific data set.) Also, a big secret to success is that you can recommit to a goal at any time. Success is when you find yourself losing the battle; you recommit and keep going.
If you are interested in solving your debt or tax problem in 2024, the first step is picking up the phone and calling for an appointment. IT’S ABOUT TO BE 2024 AND FIRST AND TEN. HAPPY NEW YEAR! PICK UP THE BALL BY MAKING THE CALL!
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