Audit Defense

Tax Audits can be scary. If things go wrong, you could end up owing the IRS lots of money. You don’t have to face the IRS on your own. You have the right to consult with an attorney. In fact, did you know that generally you do not have to attend the audit, if you are represented? You have the right to have an attorney go to the audit instead of you facing the IRS alone. Only if the IRS issues an Administrative Summons must you appear in person. That means that in most cases, if you are represented, you don’t have to go to the audit.

Since you are not trained in tax law, chances are you could say something that you will later regret. The fact that you have nothing to hide, does not mean that you should handle this on your own. In an audit what you say could be considered by the auditor as an admission—legally binding on you. What you might say in everyday conversation can be deadly in an audit.

In an audit, the burden of proof is on you to prove every expense, deduction, tax credit and also that you reported all of your income. If the auditor concludes you have been involved in tax evasion, they can refer the case to the criminal investigation unit. This is not something you should do-it-yourself. Sure you could do brain surgery on yourself, we just don’t recommend it.

This is serious business and you should protect yourself by getting professional help. We regularly defend clients in tax audits. If you are being audited time is of the essence. Protect yourself and call today for professional help.